Friday, March 7, 2014

1996 Hot Wheels VW Bus

The 1996 Hot Wheels, First Editions VW Bus. The bus that started the "Drag Bus" craze. It was billed as the heaviest casting Mattel had ever made and the collectors went wild for it. Only weeks after its release it was selling for up to $100. Besides being in high demand the VW Bus had a short production run. Because it cost more to produce it is believed that only 100,000 buses were made. If you were lucky enough to find them on the pegs they were great trade bait. I was only able to find five and I was hitting the local toy store, before the doors opened, every day! I traded away three of the buses for some great vintage Redlines which have continued to increase in value while the VW Bus has settled in at around $50. The VW Bus continues to be a favorite of collectors

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